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Location: Brunswick, Maine, United States

13 September 2006

When Your Bobo Past Bites You in the A$$

Bowdoin grad Stephen P. Laffey lost his bid for the Senate:

Mr. Laffey is most notorious for his horrifically homophobic comments published in the Bowdoin Patriot during his days under the pines in the '80s. This is Laffey's most quotable winner:
"All the homosexuals I've seen are sickly and decrepit, their eyes devoid of life" (MacKay 2006).
Um, note to Mr. Laffey: you suck, you're uber-conservative, AND YOU LOST!

Read all about it here at the Providence Journal.

So, correct us if we're wrong, but since when has the Bowdoin Patriot been considered a "humor" magazine? Regardless, really not that funny. No - in fact - not funny at all. Sounds like someone was trying to cover their arse by calling the conservative Patriot a satire rag...

Oh and better watch out for those Bowdoin "leftists." BURN!

[HAT TIPS = Wonkette, Towleroad]

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