Spring Rituals: Thick or Thin?
![]() Writes 17-year-old Julia the Jubilant at This Here Giraffe: "oh my god i'm going to explode i got into bowdoin!" (2006-03-21 11:33:00) [Figure 1]Like - we feel Ms. Jubilant's excitement, but we hope she purposely left out the necessary grammatical stops in this post for emphatic emphasis. But like - OMG! - we are so happy for you, but please don't explode! We watched a dead whale explode once from carbon monoxide buildup and it isn't pretty (hence the splatters in the screencap). Ms. Jubilant also applied to Yale (boo) and Dartmouth (double boo) but has yet to hear from those other (icky) institutions. ![]() " I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER INTO BOWDOIN. YAY.Yay indeed! You deserve that bouncy mood! And thanks for not exploding, although we would argue that severing a limb is never an option. This one time at the North Pole...oh nevermind, too painful to discuss. So question: Is Camp Bobo's financial aid still need based? You know, because it's a nice system and all, but we'll be paying off our fine education till we're 80. Like - not that we're bitter or anything...But YAY! ![]() "So, yeah, apparently I got into Bowdoin. Wootness. :DWow. :-0 We are speechless. Just a lonely "Woot!" and an emoticon? The excitement in this post is simply too much to bear. In our book, Bobo is some hot shitzna! Ms. Keogryff continues to discuss her "stretch" applications to MIT (ugh), Yale (double ugh) and Cornell (ugh ugh ugh!). She also spent the day at the University of Colorado at Boulder engineering day. The Admiral has it on the best authority from a good friend and Bobo grad who is also Colorado native: Avoid UCB (yes, you may call it that) at all costs. Bowdoin professors are WAY hotter - since that seems to be quite an important characteristic for Ms. Keogryff. ![]() "OH. MY. GOD.Now this deserves a double Woot: WOOT WOOT!. Well done Chris - although we're curious: Are college-less high-schoolers forced to become pirates these days? Because, that just seems wrong and sad. We blame Harvard. Lucky for you, we have just the clip-art for your graphic...Also, please define "ASKFJSDSKJFAL" and use in a sentence. ![]() Don't like your BoboWatch hyperlink or shout-out? Take comfort: Nobody reads us anyway! Additionally, this terrible blog should in no way influence your decision to attend Camp Bobo. This site is in NO WAY affiliated with the College and is run by lame alumni with nothing better to do - and that's not because their degrees are worthless! [SOURCES = This Here Giraffe, Bounded in a Nutshell, The Loopy Lupogryph, Amusingly_Odd; SEARCH SLAVE = Technorati] |
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