BOBO SHOP: Everything Else is Just a Sticker
The Bobo Watch staff proudly presents a new feature called "Shopping with Donald", hosted by our favorite crew member and shipwreck savior, Donald B. MacMillan. Donald, affectionately called "The Don", brings his unique sense of style and design aesthetic to Bobo Watch. Hello from P-Town! In this post we discuss stickers - namely those sticky decals that can be used to emblazon your truck, dog sled or ocean vessel with Bowdoin pride. So, we all love those peeing Calvin and Hobbes decals. Little Calvin is so cute when he is urinating on the Ford logo or "terrorists" etc. Statistically, these Calvin stickers are found in the highest density on the tinted back windows of Chevy trucks in Alabama, and are most often affixed next to holographic renditions of the Confederate flag. Peeing Calvin also looks great next to the NRA logo, even if Peeing Calvin is not endorsed by Bill Watterson (who may or may not be related to Professor Watterson). Calvin stickers are special because they are die-cut with lasers, meaning the background has been magically removed. When applied to window glass, Calvin is unhampered by an annoying background or border. He stands alone against the dark window glass, his striking silhouette highlighted by the contrast afforded by the revolutionary laser manufacturing process. So then, what could be better than mash-up between peeing Calvin and the famous Bowdoin Polar Bear? I present the "Color Shock" Polar Bear: Back in the day, some of us received the bookstore version of this famous "running bear"sticker in the mail with our admissions packet. Sadly, that version was not laser-cut and featured an annoying background that clashed with the running bear in all his glory. That sticker was "just a sticker"; the Color Shock Decal is certainly the "NEW DECAL" and is guaranteed to look great on your rear pick-up window (the one with the gunrack). Peeing Calvin has finally found a worthy companion. You can purchase the Color Shock Bowdoin decal at Stickers are $4.95. [SOURCE = College Gear] |
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